Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kisses of Tonic (December 19, 2007)

The tonic spilled over
Onto the lips
Of her soul
Left in

Fleeing the moment within
Her heart pounded
Out of her
Into her

His deft swift eyes
Felt her pulse
In the heat
Of one

Seeking her relief alone
With her hand
On his hand
In unknown

Looking into their gazes
Amazed in rapid
Successions of flight
Fluttering angel

As though nothing existed
His heart raced
Her heart raced
More than

Towards her backhanded word
He greeted panic
Over the ice
Spilt onto

The heated frost melted
Giving in to
Live again free
Within her

Was this assumed innocence
If her glance
Met his glance
On accident

Neither could avoid collision
The touch came
First and second
In waves

For all she waited
He had waited
For that kiss
Touching soft

When the dream receded
His light lit
Her heart skipped
How they

Forever is about to
Don't say never
Forever is about
To start

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Northern Star (December 18, 2007)

Her light pointed north
The torch she held
Lifted and picked me up
Showing me new hope

Thankful for my spirit
Her thoughts fell upon
My open eyes like stars
Shining on my head

The unexpected word
Left a depth of warmth
Rising from within
And around her gift

She gave me confidence
To be what I always am
Living for who I am
To be something for her

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Only A Dream (October 21, 2007)

I dreamt she loved me
Her caressing words
Soothed the thoughts
I longed to hear
Angelic whispers
Bringing forth my spirit
My love and heart
Yearning for the truth
My soul has always felt

Her confession was unexpected
An unlocked confidence,
The candy shell released,
I could taste what
She withheld inside
Her wanting and waiting
Leaning towards me
I was alive within,
A new found spring

Words spoke in tears
My response conceived
Years and lifetimes
Beyond that moment
As real as any moment
I’m awake and asleep
Speeding to meet her
Kisses on torn lips
Of concealment

And all at once
I was awoken
Her scent fading
An evaporating memory
Leaving my heart empty
Hurting and praying
Looking for a trace
For that dream day
To find me in its way

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Eyes Of A Doll (August 5, 2007)

The girl with the doll face
Eyes stirring a start
Mystery is forming
To push forth this art

My heart pumping
Randomly it clicks
While feeling for words
My watch silently ticks

Fingers unknowingly
Lulled into a trance
Write her a song
In hopes of a dance

Is it really that easy
Just to be real
To give what you want
My love to steal?

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Cotton Field (May 25, 2007)

The thorns flicker in the wind
Up the path darting in and over
My hand brushes the warm cotton
Sprouting from the brown sticks
Fields infinitely line the horizon
With a sun shining brightly I walk
Forever in my mind surrounded
By the spores of life and poison
The blossoms are out but life is not inI retreat to find a dream more alive

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Emptiness Waits (May 15, 2007)

I found a spark
A desire that burned
Faster than the eye
It left its mark

As I lie within
I come undone
Eager to satisfy
Blood pumped in

A drop is a touch
Pure without spite
Open to receive
It should be so much

Now past is behind
Release the thought
A struggle at best
For emotion in mind

But a vacant hole
Its remnant obvious
Smiles back at me
And not to console

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Interview (May 4, 2007)

She knew exactly what she wanted
A guy with all the right touches
Pluses in laughter and fun
Could keep her attention strong
A list of elements to adhere
Would certainly draw a beau near
To be discarded at the first failure
Finding another fitting of allure

The self-told lie was binding
A table of elements short of chemistry
What she knew of her inner desire
Coiled around a method of approach
Would only focus her attention
Not the result of a long quest
But the result of mental acuity
Misplaced on details of ill-import

To find one of truth and honor
With walks in the light of stars
Watching fables and folklore
Stoking and reveling in the fire
Certainly one would come forth
And perhaps luck could shine
When upheld by the beliefs of one
Who falsely recognizes truth

A set of items cannot be a whole
Roots from within form the entirety
See beyond the detailed idealism
With moments lived outside ourselves
Realize the table is and is not
Built by pieces described in a list
Placed together by our desire
To discover a true love near

Monday, April 30, 2007

Waiting To Be Surprised... (April 30, 2007)

I fell in love with a complex girl that doesn't know it yet.
Her beauty draws my heart with a painter's brush stroke.
Soft curls in her hair display the mystery in her brooding wake.
The smile in her soul touches mine with the strength of all the stars.
I have been waiting to meet her in this life, as we have many times before.
My mind wanders, my imagination soars, looking and waiting for her.
For some reason I often think she'll have red hair and piercing eyes.
Truth lies when you rationalize those you've loved and lost.
I'm waiting to be surprised, because I know she'll walk through the door.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Bright Side Of The Sun (April 26, 2007)

Look up to the sky
And all is not right
As seen with the eye

The brightness of sight
Will blind your view
And deflate your might

Thinking it through
You'll see to the end
And what's left is you

You may try to amend
Broken love's will
With the love you send

While blinded still
Your vision will reside
Alone trying to fulfill

Do your best to hide
Behind a ray on the run
With whom you confide

And when all is done
You'll know it was I
On the bright side of the sun

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Rose In The Daisy (Feb 11, 2007)

A bee flew by
To tend to its chore
A daisy saw it fly
And tried to ignore

The next one that flew
Went by almost too fast
And the daisy now knew
That she would be last

To the prettiest roses
Is where the bees went
Admiring their poses
And following their scent

The fragrance that leapt
Into warm summer air
Was a lure that swept
The bees from their lair

Looking out to the lot
The daisy wanted more
And she quickly forgot
What a daisy was for

The daisy was smitten
With what the roses had
Although fate was written
Could a change be all bad?

To attract the bees
The daisy turned red
Closed up her leaves
And buried her head

The daisy did her best
To put on a display
Even dousing her crest
With a rose-scented spray

Distracted by the show
The bees did stop by
Many days in a row
To admire the daisy's lie

Until, to her surprise
The daisy had no guests
From sunrise to sunrise
Were the bees taking a rest?

She searched all around
For the other rosy "gems"
But all that she found
Were ugly brown stems

The roses were gone
Their time now past
And the bees moved on
To those who were last

From her sadness within
The daisy peered out
Frolicking with her kin
The bees were all about

"How could this be?"
Thought the little flower
"The roses were so pretty,
Wasn't that their power?"

The daisy thought back
To when she didn't care
When her life was on track
And her beauty still fair

When she lost sight
Of her strong inner side
The daisy began to fight
To change her outside

Realization in mind
Spurred her to convert
To again be her kind
And release all the hurt

She again became a daisy
Because now she knows
Inside every daisy
Is a beautiful rose