Friday, May 4, 2007

The Interview (May 4, 2007)

She knew exactly what she wanted
A guy with all the right touches
Pluses in laughter and fun
Could keep her attention strong
A list of elements to adhere
Would certainly draw a beau near
To be discarded at the first failure
Finding another fitting of allure

The self-told lie was binding
A table of elements short of chemistry
What she knew of her inner desire
Coiled around a method of approach
Would only focus her attention
Not the result of a long quest
But the result of mental acuity
Misplaced on details of ill-import

To find one of truth and honor
With walks in the light of stars
Watching fables and folklore
Stoking and reveling in the fire
Certainly one would come forth
And perhaps luck could shine
When upheld by the beliefs of one
Who falsely recognizes truth

A set of items cannot be a whole
Roots from within form the entirety
See beyond the detailed idealism
With moments lived outside ourselves
Realize the table is and is not
Built by pieces described in a list
Placed together by our desire
To discover a true love near

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