Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Perfect Dream (July 8, 2007)

It conquers
It pushes
It sways
It kneads

Into my soul
A fleeting glimpse
Of all that could be
And should be
Never found
Only dreamt

It follows
It pursues
It drives
It falls

Away from my heart
Into a star
Dust colliding
And all is apart
Will it, can it
Be unknown

I fall
I drift
I sleep
I crane

It will be forever
For a day in a life
Found asleep
Strive for it
Find it
For keeps

She calls
She wants
She's here
She's ready

1 comment:

Kristin said...

the message seems clear here...but the form...oh the the jerky motions of the eyeball under the eyelid durning REM.