Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Perfect Dream (July 8, 2007)

It conquers
It pushes
It sways
It kneads

Into my soul
A fleeting glimpse
Of all that could be
And should be
Never found
Only dreamt

It follows
It pursues
It drives
It falls

Away from my heart
Into a star
Dust colliding
And all is apart
Will it, can it
Be unknown

I fall
I drift
I sleep
I crane

It will be forever
For a day in a life
Found asleep
Strive for it
Find it
For keeps

She calls
She wants
She's here
She's ready

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Love Simplicity (June 22, 2007)

Touch. Kiss. Caress. Repeat.
Sensation passes between.
From where did it start?
Simultaneous energy surges
None more incessant than the other
Hands reach out for embrace
Lips unseal magic vials

Passion. Heat. Life. Meaning.
Emptiness drives fulfillment
To vacate the whole
Replaced with a new potion
Developed in lust
Each adding to the moment
With a renewed vigor for love

Simple. Childish. Honest. Pure.
Sharing time in presence
Intimacy forms a shell hiding nothing
But from within, safety emerges
Allowing singular intent
To touch, kiss, caress
To live love’s simplicity

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Black Pearl (Sep 3, 2007)

I look into the glass
And don't know what I see
I can't see past
What I want and need,
To let “what is” simply be

The smoothed lines
Of only my thoughts
Alone without repercussion
Surround my will
Like an innocent sand

A single dark cloud
Forming is natural
Until it releases
And all that you fear
Is all that you feel

The black pearl in my hand
Crushes its weight upon me
And my mind begs
"Crack it open please,
Don't let this one go free"

I look harder into the glass
And finally I see
What I need is not there
But already inside me
Waiting to be seen

I should leave such a treasure
To remain rare, real, irresistible
A blooming tempest
For a new discoverer
For himself to reveal

Perhaps I can’t see
Where I really am,
That I am not seeing
A black pearl
Lit upon my hand

Perhaps I’m the black one
A pearl sitting in her hand
Waiting to be cracked
When she finally sees
She’s the one with the key

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Angel On My Doorstep (June 22, 2007)

There’s an angel on my doorstep
She tempts my analysis
With love or fate or ...
Is it eternal denial that I envy
From her hair spins coils
Words to carry me forward
To the promise I gave myself
And the myth only I created

Her song captivates my energy
Whispers offered without debt
Sink barbs and extract their weight
An inherent payment of love
For even without contemplation
The same certainty results
In a fight that cannot be won
Nor lost for the best intentions

This angel is exempt
A judgment will not be dispensed
For her aim is not to steal away
But to offer and take in desires
To the one she sees past
The future extends forward
And the façade reveals
A girl shrouded by my dream

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Love Isn’t Numb (June 11, 2008)

It’s not the same feeling
I have inside for her
That she’s holding for me
With or without rapport
I sense her confusion
Will she open up,
Can she accept herself
In my presence?

I wondered why
My senses failed
In her presence
But came alive
When she’s not around
Is it my own desire
Or a numb sensation
Drawn out when alone?

I give all that I am
In a setting only she will see
My affection is pure
Raw to the trained ear
Pushed aside by her experience
And yet here I am again
Teenage emotions
With adult aspirations

Why the adult response?
Why is romance impossible
For those who want and dream
Yet never leap with their heart
Seeing the trap called love
Fear keeps them stolid
Avoiding the real gift
Of living through love

I won’t stop leaping
My heart skips beats
My tongue gets tied
My head swirls in her presence
Her scent draws its picture
Upon my desires
To be in love
With her love in refrain

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You Have A Chance (June 11, 2008)

You have a chance
One and only one

You can have my heart
But the lasso isn’t your words

You can have my soul
But the cost isn’t your kiss

You can win me forever
By doing what I do for you

You have a chance
To win the prize of your life

You can lose everything
With the spark of your words

You can lose your heart
With a false kiss or smile

You can lose me forever
In the blink of an eye

You have a chance:
Give what you aim to win

Or don’t.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Butterfly’s Curse (May 24, 2008)

A simple curl caressed your cheek
Drawing my focus in converse
Taunting like words

You saw me in a light few are allowed
Deserving of my trust
Seeing who I am

My eyes brushed your face to see depth
In your inner self glowing outside
Giving me confidence

My hands kept reaching out towards you
To be pulled back in and held close
Tempting life to touch

A thought of kissing you kept recurring
Like the caterpillar wanting
Waiting to be the butterfly

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Strength Within (May 12, 2008)

No, listen.
But don’t look.

She took the fight
And he can’t win
His loss is his own
Loss within

No, don’t.
Without hearing.

Now I’ve seen it all
I predicted a demise
A dire straight
Of pain

It hurts.

I thought I knew
Strength beyond bounds
To live through life
Spoiled by ego

Has strength
Through her.

I did my best to show
To let him see ahead
Ignored, I was
By pitiful self-indulgence

Told you.
Do it Dummy.

Seeing straight past
Blinded by inner chaos
Out of controls
He spun his web of lies

You lose.
It hurts everyone.

You failed yourself
Worse, you failed them
Now they’ll hurt too
Because of your pain

For sharing
Worth sharing.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Brilliant Smile (April 5, 2008)

Bring up the lights
Her smile just caught my eye

I saw her pass in my mind
As she drew her scent on the wind

Further into my world
Her image slowly drifts by

I'm left to my own senses
Wandering and overwhelmed

Alone and looking upward now
To where the sky has been lit

I AM (March 29, 2008)

I am
and then I am
The man
Not that you think
I am not
What you are not
Nor in my way
Are you ever

Where is the place
The place where you...
Am I there?
In that place where
You said you are
And I am not
In that space

Was it I
In your dream
Or you in mine
When you held
My hand in yours
A hand in place
Where I once was
And you were not

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Where's Waldo Now? (February 27, 2008)

Waldo went looking around
To find his love lost not found
In each shop he looked
Or locale he booked
Love made no peep nor a sound

Knowing his luck would soon change
He expanded his search range
Peering high and low
Moving to and fro
His life began to feel strange

Surrounded by new faces
People, landscapes and races
Waldo was now lost
And love was the cost
Like solving the wrong cases

If Wendy could only see
Waldo was where he should be
Her love could set him
Free in her rhythm
And their two I’s become We

Chained to pursue his heart’s beat
His path lead to people he’d greet
All along the road
In great strides he strode
To Wendy he hoped to meet

Can you find this silly guy?
Spy him with your little eye?
Do look hard and fast
Positions don’t last
He blends like blue in the sky

Want to find Waldo? Check him out on Myspace - Where's Waldo On Myspace?